If you took the trouble to run this demo and to read the previous topics, then you are probably looking for a better way to build Mac windows and programs, and can therefore find a use for ViewIt and other FaceWare modules. Typical programmers who use ViewIt include:
• Programmers using Fortran, Pascal, C, or other procedural languages. No other Mac programming tool supports ViewIt's range of features or makes it so easy to add a Mac interface to existing programs.
• Programmers who have a need to make use of one of our advanced custom controls: EditControls, QuickControl, or CommControl (see product list).
• Programmers using object-oriented development environments who are looking for a faster way to create dialogs, or windows with multiple views.
• HyperCard programmers (and programmers using other high-level programming environments) who are looking for an easier way to add standard Mac windows and dialogs to their projects.